Policy Title: A short and simple title apt with the body of the submission.
Statement of Problem: A concise statement of the problem/issue which the policy seeks to deal with. Participants can formulate a policy on any issue under the themes provided.
Objectives: Participants are required to provide the objectives which the policy seeks to achieve.
Framework (Mainbody)
Stakeholder: A brief note on the stakeholders associated with the policy I.e which sections of the society will be affected by the policy.
Strategy: This part lays down the plan of the action which refers to the detailed procedures that will be recommended in order to carry out the intent of the policy. In this portion, participants have to specify how they intend to implement the policy I.e. what are the measures they deem to be suitable to carry out the policy. It is necessary that instead of broad/abstract steps, the specific measures must be mentioned by the participants which they would deem to be suitable.
Viability of the Policy: In this portion, the participants would have to analyse the feasibility of the policy from a legal, social, and economic perspective.