All participants must join the slack channel, link to join will be provided on dashboard
All submissions must be original and unpublished work of the author/s and should not have been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
Co-authorship of entries among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed. Multiple entries by the same authors are not allowed.
Drafts will pass through internal committee team review and acceptance will be subject to the report of the committee review team.
Submissions not meeting the requirements mentioned will not be reviewed
The Internal Committee reserves the rights to accept and reject the submissions at any stage of the review. The decision of the organisers regarding selection of the papers shall be final.
Requests for in-absentia presentations shall not be entertained.
Submission must be accompanied with a short bio of the author/s (It should include name of the author/s, occupation, designation & name of the institution, email id, mobile phone no and contact address, title of the paper). The bio should be in a separate document.
The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organisers who herewith reserve the right to modify the contributions as per the requirements of necessity.