All participants must join the slack channel, a link to join will be provided on the dashboard.
Each team leader has to register and join the GCC 4.0 Dashboard for all GCC 4.0 related actions.
Each team leader can update/change team member’s details 24 hours prior to the closing of registration.
Defaulting to providing mandatory information.
All participants are required to carry a Government ID (Passport for foreign Nationals) for verification purposes.
It will be a traditional type of Innovative Hackathon where participants will be given problem statement(s) specified on the official website of GCC4.0.
Participants need to develop a working solution to address real world problems.
Participants can participate either in a team format or as an individual. Each team will have a maximum number of 3 participants.
Participants need to wireframe the entire thing, some key features.
Working procedures should be mentioned along with proper life cycle visualization and functionality.
It is mandatory to mention the coding and technologies or any special framework, libraries contestants have used. For any coding sample it is to be checked if the code sample is well-commented that anyone can understand what is the usability of that particular piece of code.
The marking procedure depends on how much the innovation is towards the actual theme of the competition.
Top 10 Participants will be shortlisted for the Grand Finale in the first round on the basis of the submitted entries.
Grand finale will be hosted for 36 hours. Top 3 teams will be awarded.